Edited by Horta do Rosário, Ricardo Falcão and Sammy
Make-Up by Rita Falcão
Starring: Forgotten Suns and Horta do Rosário (as the Doppelgänger)
Camera: Horta do Rosário
Video Assistants: Everyone contributed:)
Learn English Idioms Generic (HD)
"Caprica" Computer Sheet
DDRi7 - Witness The Power Of Men
Intel Digital Drag Race 2008
Death Star Attack reenacted by Micromachines
Dream Fragment 5
Dream I had when i started using my beard like I have it now.
Dream Fragment 2
Piece of a dream I had. I scratched a wood board I was working on, ate it, looked at my monitor and it sayed "mortalidade@Sensata".
Dream Fragment 1
Fragment of a dream I had today. The only visual memory left. I heard a voice asking "Está a tomar o bolho?" Bolho doesnt exist in the dictionary... Just dream jibbrish i guess...
The Thumbtrix-Webisode 1
The Matrix in Thumbvision.
Thumbvision created by Steve Oedekerk.
The Thumbtrix-Webisode 2
The Matrix in Thumbvision.
Thumbvision created by Steve Oedekerk.
Scratch Video Nº1
My first scratch video. Shot with my camcorder in front of the TV.
Lucas VS João (short version)
A Star Wars Lightsaber fight between me and my old canvas called Lucas.
The teachers hated this vid, now it's being used to promote the Visual Arts department of University of Évora. (Ironic, isn't it?)
Kamehameha Collection 1 (Adobe After Effects)
Kamehameha's I compiled while practicing for my university promo video "Lucas VS João".
Kamehameha Collection 2 (Adobe After Effects)
After the success of my first Kamehameha compilation, I made a new one.
Kamehameha Collection 3 (Adobe After Effects)
More Kamehamehas for the eager viewers.
Attack of the clone
One of my first works with Adobe After Effects.
Star Trek VS Star Wars (micromachines)
One of my first works with Adobe After Effects.